Karavakos’ Library

Once again we had consulted Vyrellis. Though most of us had grown suspicious of her intentions there seemed to be no other reliable source of knowledge in this cursed pyramid prison. We were now standing in front of the doors to what she had informed us would be Karavakos’ library. Kolodin level 7 Halfling Rogue investigated the doors for traps. He wasn’t quite sure and asked his cousin Neiva level 7 Halfling Bard to give a second opinion. She opened the doors. Through the doorway a large library with a second level gallery appeared. The center of the library had a small garden patch occupied by statue of an eladrin princess.

Karavakos Library 1

A few strange looking creatures were looming between the shelves and there was something present that sounded like far too many languages spoken at the same time. While the rest of the party  dealt with one of the (assumed) eaters of knowledge, Aeylin level 7 Eladrin Warlock rushed forward for the statue at the center of the library. While searching for something at the statue she attracted an arrow from a previously hidden guard at the second level gallery.

Karavakos Library 2

Back by the entrance Kolodin and Neiva had both been immobilized by one of the occupants of the library. Kolodin nodded to Kray level 7 Human Wizard and waited for the perfect moment. Kray attempted to shift into position, but felt an uncontrollable urge to examine the books nearby. He shifted again and managed to get into the flank. The next moment Kolodin threw out a stab and hit with a force that almost surprise he had never let out before. As the eater of knowledge fell to the floor Kray nodded back to Kolodin.

Karavakos' Library 3

Dizzy level 7 Human Ranger was moving out of the way from an eater of knowledge when Neiva shouted out.

No, do not move there!

Looking into the face of Neiva and noticing her expression Dizzy decided to take a few extra steps before sending out two arrows from his bow. Satisfied by the turn of events, Neiva shifted into the exact spot Dizzy had stepped past. She then slid one of the creatures between Kray and Kolodin, granting Kray an opportunity to attack.

After having emptied the library there was still two archers left in the second level gallery. While Dizzy,Kray and Kolodin focused their fire on one of the archers, Aeylin and Neiva took on the other keeping it under control. Aeylin cursed her target, making us invisible to it. Dizzy who had been knocked unconscious were know shooting from lying position, sending out a splintering shot.

Karavakos' Library 4

When the last archer was finally downed, the voices that had been heard the entire encounter around the library seemed to die out. The bookshelves did not seem as interesting as during the combat either. We searched the place thoroughly anyway.

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